Lately, I've been directly linking the GIFs from these posts into my work Slack messages, and I think as a result of that people are starting to share the specific GIFs on this site a lot more. I've decided I'm going to use my Google Cloud egress costs as a metric for how much people are enjoying my GIFs. Last month's report - costs doubled to an astronomic 20 cents of egress charges.
I hope my co-workers (and you!) are enjoying the grade A, organic, pure GIF collection being curated by yours truly. I strive to pick the highest quality, most impactful GIFs for your Slack messaging needs.
These GIFs have been pulled from a variety of sources, including Seinfeld Memes, Tenor, Makeagif, and GIPHY.
That's A Shame
I'm not a big Seinfeld guy, but Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David really carry the torch of GIF-able TV spots. That's a shame is no exception. Use it whenever somebody on your team says they are going to the DMV.

Wade I Love It
Though GIFs with subtitles tend to be weaker in terms of comedic effect, sometimes the subject's facial expressions are just too good. It's a shame, but I love it.
I pulled this GIF from Tenor (I thought it looked a bit better), but it really was hosted on Makeagif.

Kid Dancing In Club
A more smug version of the Kids Dancing In Class GIF in the previous post (also the last GIF I posted in the 2010s), drop this whenever you have a sense of pride and accomplishment.
You know, like when you get your driver's license renewed at the DMV.

The Rock Applause
I'm pretty sure this is from a WW{E,F} show where The Rock was but a bystander. Like I mentioned above, this is one of those GIFs where no subtitles just enhances the comedic effect.
There's a better version of this GIF where you actually see The Rock standing up while chewing the gum in the same way, but I couldn't find it during my 3 minutes of frantic Googling. If you find said GIF, hit me up on Twitter and I'll update the post with the better GIF.
Use this when somebody thinks they accomplished a difficult task, but really didn't do anything more than punch a few buttons.

I'm Doing My Part
Taken from the movie Starship Troopers, this is just a solid subtitled GIF to bring solidarity amongst your team/group.

Jason Momoa Chair
This GIF is also called dis gonna be gud, but I prefer the simpler Jason Momoa Chair monkier. This scene takes place in the TV show The Game (season 3, episode 20), which apparently aired on the CW Network. I have no idea what The Game is, but I refuse to watch anything on the CW Network until they bring Static Shock back on the air.

Denzel Relieved
Another great expression/reaction GIF, this one shows up on Twitter a lot whenever there's a trending topic involving a celebrity.

Ship It Revert
My go to GIF when I need to roll back a deploy or a code merge. This is the perfect version of the GIF, as it ends with a wood plank in the camera shutter in the final few frames.

Swim Ship
Here by request from the most awesome Kings fan I know.

Denzel Desk Slam
This GIF comes from Spike Lee's Malcolm X biopic. While the subject matter is serious, using this GIF in a Slack chat is guaranteed to reduce your frustration.

If you see any 🔥 GIFs floating around your messages, send them my way so I can immortalize them here. I promise to keep hosting these GIFs at their current URL locations for the entirety of the 2020s.
Unlike RedHat with CentOS 8.